I have just brought a Brinsea Mini Advance Incubator, I am going to put Silver Laced Wyandotte Bantam into it, I just need some help with the settings I am setting the Turn Interval on 60 mins and the Turn angle on 10. Does that sound about right?
http://www.brinsea.com/pdffiles/MiniAdvancePlus-US.pdfBrinsea has copies of their instruction manuals online, here is the one for the Mini Adv. The bigger the egg the higher the number you want to set for turning.. the higher the number the longer it keeps turning. So for a bantam egg you probably want to set it at 4 or 5 ... the minutes is pretty much personal preference... you can mark an egg (you should anyhow so you can be sure they are turning and not sliding) and see how far it turns with how you have it set, and adjust the number that way.
I have guinea eggs in my mini brinsea right now. I set it at 10 which sounds a bit high from the previous post, but I am on day 16 and can see chicks moving when I candle! Guineas take 28 days so I won't see how I did until April 23. I have mine set of 90 min for turning, but I hear it doesn't really matter as long as it is at least 3 times a day.