Help!! Predator got one of my pullets!

I see you are in Mi. you must have coyotes there and fox too.
maybe a fox? hopefully your dad will help you secure the coop and run now

Yeah. While it’s been a hot minute since I last saw a fox, and one of the two I’ve *ever* seen wasn’t alive, I suppose it’s a possibility; the *pack* of coyotes that are around us are only up at night— and you would hear them if they were the ones to get the chickens— they’re LOUD (also they would totally get more than one at a time).

There’s no damage to the run or coop so if it were anything, it would probably be a grey fox?

We’re gonna see what we can do for sure. I don’t wanna lose more chickens literally right before they lay (should start in the coming weeks? I think?).

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