Help Quick !! Totally Scalped Button Quails !!

I agree with JJMR. I had a parakeet in with 4 male buttons and they wouldn't let anyone else in that cage, period, not even hens. I found them homes except for one, and I moved the parakeet, the quail, and added 2 baby quail and they are fine together now. Just because the cockatiel was the one with blood on it's beak, doesn't mean the other quail wasn't joining in. All 4 of mine jumped at the chance to bully the newcomer. They definitely don't want to lose their current position in the flock. Good luck!!
Try new cage for everyone, doesn't always work, keep a eye on them!!!
I have to agree. The head injury will heal IF the birds don't have to deal with any more pecking. I had one that was nearly dead and when he was able to stay by himself for several weeks he completely healed. Now, however, you can't put another bird close to him, in any pen, without him complete going into attack mode.
Buttons are monogamous in nature and very territorial. If you are seeing scalping and plucked backs it's best to go back to nature and house them in pairs.
So the quails are fine now, all scabed over and eating. they are still in isolation. but do you think i could cut a piece of wire to separate the bottom from the top and put the quails in there, and after a while take it out?

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