Help! Rooster has a throat problem!

Current situation: my Jersey boy is suffering.

1. I can get baytril from a vet far away, but I'll call closer ones first.

2. Do I need to do anything for the rest of the flock? They currently have ACV and electrolytes/probiotics in their water. No signs of infection other than one didn't lay an egg yesterday.

3. I have the number of a government field agent who does poultry testing. I'll call her at 0800.

4. I'm wanting to euthanize or give him oxygen NOW but no one can do this at this time. So it's waiting and prolonging suffering. I have no idea how RI plays out in birds but he can't be in a good spot.

There are articles here on Respiratory and non respiratory disease in Chickens
Look through see if some of your questions can find answers.

Good Luck
I can't. I'm so sad. I don't want to scare him, I don't think I can kill him, I'd screw it up and that would be even more horrible. He's so sick. Antibiotics are supposed to work. They're supposed to work. I'm so so so sad and scared for the others. Two more hours and I can call people. Two more hours of suffering. I'm so sorry, Jersey. You never even got a proper name. Just my Jersey boy. I've never lost an animal until two weeks ago when a dog killed my Henny. Little Hennifer Lopez, just two weeks ago. I put a tall fence up this week and my Jersey boy gets sick from the wild birds. What are we supposed to do? They can't live happily in a cage. Oh Jersey, I'm so sorry.
I am so very sorry for you and your you have a friendly neighbour who can end your Jersey boy's suffering ?
If you and your Jersey boy can wait it out...Baytril is probably the best antibiotic you can get...I hope he makes it to the Vet
Thank you. I wish I knew that yesterday and had picked it up. He seemed to be doing ok in the afternoon. Learning RI on the fly with these birds is not the best, there's just so little time to act. Just over one more hour until they open.
Changes can happen suddenly...don't beat yourself up about not getting the antibiotic earlier...he's still with you and there is still hope for you and him....
I would hug you right now buy I gotta dive to the vet to get the baytril! Oh, and I don't know you so that'd be kinda weird :) but thank you, I need a little hope.

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