HELP!!!! Rooster Hurt - Bleeding from ear


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 19, 2012
Hi everyone - I broke up my two Tom's beating up my poor rooster today. They've never fought before, so this is a first. My roosters head is all bloody with feathers - no obvious lacerations except his ear is swollen and blood is coming out. I've cleaned him up as best I can, seperated him of course and gave him lots of hay to bed down in. Fresh water, food. Is there anything I can do for his ear or to make him more comfortable, and take away pain? At this point, his head was pecked pretty bad since it is swollen, but I'm hoping he pulls through. He really is the sweetest chicken we own. Any input you have is greatly appreciated. :(

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I noticed one of my pullets had a freshly-bloodied ear on Saturday. She's the tiniest of my chickens (4 pullets, 1 roo, all 9 weeks old and cooped together), and she's the only Production Red, as the other 4 are easter eggers/ameraucana (according to the breeder).

I am a new chicken wrangler, so I can only speculate as to how her ear got bloodied. It's only one ear. She seems healthy, with no other symptoms of sickness. Maybe because she's the only one that has red ears, the others may have pecked at it out of curiosity. (They do have some sharp beaks, as my palm can attest to when I feed them by hand.) I haven't noticed any excessive bullying, other than the typical pecking order stuff. But I suppose that one very aggressive chicken could cause that kind of wound in just a few minutes of incessant pecking. But it also seems that my pullet would have had the sense to run away and not let that continue. That's why I think it might have been a few curious pecks here and there over the course of a day or so.

I separated her, cleaned the wound with peroxide, and then put neosporin on it. It seems to be healing fine. The swelling's going down, and it doesn't look infected. She's also still her lively self. I figure I'll give her a week to heal up, reintroduce her to the flock, and watch their interactions over the first few days. Poor gal.
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