HELP!! Runner with Face injury or infection...? Graphic Pics inside!

Well, oddly she seems much better today. I have them both in the tub and have been sitting there because they arfe joyously playing and splashing (ugh...what a mess) and they keep I keep changing the water, and they keep pooping.
I know that its ok to have a bit of poop in their water but I dont like to see her putting her face in it.
I took some pics and I will try to post them in there....I dont want the laptop to get wet but Ive got them behind the curtain and they could stay that way all day! They are so happy!
One thing I noticed is that this same runner duck has a bald spot on her back. it looks like that turkey has been standing on her or like shes been plucking herself. She does alot of preening and Im trying to see if she is pulling her feathers...
anyway, she seems fine and the scab thing has closed up...I want to get the black goo off of her and maybe can pretty soon.
I flushed it with saline but there is no hole to flush anymore....maybe I should pick the scab off and flush it....
and I havent heard yet about dose of antibiotics so I am hanging on about that. I could probably google it, but with the topical Im wondering if its necessary.
more to come...
wow I did not even think she might have been shot but actuallt it is possible. Melina are there any still mad neighbors that could be taking shots at the animals?

I dont know enough about ducks but would a drake keep Tom away from the female ducks? I am so sorry he is causing problems. I have been thinking if I was able to get huge bushes and surround my property with them maybe no one would see the turkeys and I could take them back if you are tired of them or they are causing problems.

call me if you need anything! are the pics I just took.
The injury looks much better.
This is with just terramycin and neosporin on the black gunk that you can see down her beak. Note that the black splotch is actually eye gunk that pooled there and Im letting it soak off all day (it seems) in my tub...ick!
Also I found that he back, just under wher eshe keeps her wings crossed, is bare. I think the turkey has been standing on her....Its odd but she thinks hes her drake and he will step up on any female creature...strike that...any creature at all that lays down in front of him.

I put pure glycerin on the bare spots and the gunk, brought her sister in to be with her, and am going to repeat the terramycin while Im waiting for a reply about meds.
I may call my vet and ask him to Rx some baytril, but this seems to be getting better. I think I need to put the sister outside and debride the scab a little to make sure its clean in there, becauser the hole goes deep over her eye and heaven forbid there was a build up of infection...I tried to shoot saline into it but its got a whitish scab...
any ideas? Ill take any advice I can get on this one....but Im sorta following my gut here.
Here are pics from just now:





Ill look at it soon and report back.
Thanks for all the care, prayers and help....maybe prayer works because if you look at the difference from last night...well, maybe its the terramycin too;-)
I love that stuff! everyone should keep it handy round the house for dogs, birds and just about every animal.
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I spent half the day in the bathroom sitting next to the tub with them, changing the water when they pooed (every 10 mins or so...ugh) and finally put the sister outside....and then looked at this one and from what I can tell, she is roughed up by the turkey or something else is going on that Im not seeing. Im around alot so I wonder what it is. She does pull her feathers when she is preening, but she wasnt pulling the chest ones hard enough for any to come out. I put a thick coating of the pure glycerin hand cream on her back and her nose and the cuticle area of the beak.
The cut is actually like a slit and when I shot saline on it and manipulated it a bit it opened. I have a flushing syringe and I stuck the fine tip of that in and realized that the cut has edges and it doesnt go all the way into the sinus cavity or something. I shot saline into it all along the edges and flushed it really well. I saw no further bubbling stuff or anything...I then put the terramycin tube tip right into the thing and filled it up. I coated her eye with it and rubbed it down her nose....
I dried her well and ...well, she was ready to go by then. Since it looks so good I didnt keep her inside. shes been through enough and the stress of being away from her sister is worse than her being outside and having me grab her and apply more medicine.
I may soak her again tomorrow depending on how it looks.

Ill report back.

Does anyone have any ideas for what to put on her to deter whatever is hurting her? Its either other chickens or the blue kote a good idea? Fooey or bitter apple?
I hate to do anything that makes it hard for me to handle her. if I put blue kote then I can have her in the bath tub because it stains so badly.
This turkey is a madman and his hen is broody crammed in a chicken box halfway, which was not what I wanted, but she ignored my really nice maybe he is thinking that this duck is a small turkey? considering that I caught her laying down for him....well, I can imagine that it may be that.
Im watching and I dont see anything happening. The ducks are just foraging around like they always do and the turkey is just all puffed up like always walking back and forth, trying to look scary.

Thanks again for all of your good wishes and advice.
She is a strong gal. I hope the hair grows back on her face! I think that if I keep it moist and dont let the goo collect, and better if her eyes stop running, it may.

Happychick, I adore them! he isnt causing trouble at all except when he charges me! I should have some babies soon, but I hope you wont take them back...I guess I could raise some more...
The hen is on eggs, chicken and turkey and I have some in the incubator. I wasnt sure if they were fertile but I cracked one open that I thought had been there a long time and it had nice vascularization!!
No one would have shot her. This is some sort of picking, pecking injury. I dont know who is doing it or it it even is Tommy, but Ill figure it out.
They also are into everything and I have lots of pricker bushes that they could get into. If she got caught in pricker bushes in the woods it would do this too.

Now my worry is that the other one sometimes waddles around with her head folded back as if her neck is weak. When I go after her she stands up...but she puts it right down on her body and puffs her chest out. Happychick, what is she mixed with? maybe its one of those laid back type of ducks...Im used to the runners.
My neighbors are all copacetic and Ive been putting up stockade fence as I can afford it. So most of the yard and the coops are blocked from the neighbor's view. I have too many roos and I dont want the sound echoing in the canyon between my house and their's ...they are way far away anyway....but not gun type of people at all.
Its not possible that someone would shoot the tiny head of the runner duck and not shoot Tommy who is puffed up all the time!

I could take that drake I guess...they are just so dirty and having fertile eggs is asking for trouble!
I love ducks but how many could I end up with if I ever let them go broody!;-)

They do want a drake tho because they play getting on eachother. I just dont know if they need a drake;-)
I know I probably dont need a drake....
heaven knows I dont need a drake....

I love the turkeys!! adore them!!
do you want some babies? or eggs when she starts laying again?

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