Help sexing, think I have a roo.


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 2, 2013
Paso Robles,Ca
This is my first time raising chicks and could use some help sexing them if possible. I think we have a roo for sure, but want to verify. We're not allowed to have roosters so I need to catch it as soon as I can and find a home if it's a he. They are all about 6.5 weeks old right now and are Fresn reds(the lady we got them from says they are equvilent to RIR's, not sure) and what she said were Americaunas, but I'm sure they are easter eggers. Maybe you can help me out there too.

First up is my roo suspect. The comb is much larger than the others so this is what's tipping me off.

Now this girl, Margarett, has leg feathers. She's the only one. Possible breed?



Can't wife named them
I've never heard of Fresn Reds, maybe some kind of production red hybrid? Are you positive that the reds aren't a sexlinked variety? The one in the first pic does have a lot of pink in the comb, which makes me suspect it is a roo as well; however, if they are sexlinks, it would be a pullet as the roosters are different colors. If it's not a sexlink, then I say rooster.
Not sure if they are sex linked or not. The lady advertized them as Fresno Reds and said they are the egg laying equivelent of RIR's. I went and looked them up after we got them, but can't find anything on them. I assume they are some kind of hybrid, but not sure. I kind of figured the one is a roo, which is a bummer, but I figured we would get one, maybe two. I hope the other 5 are hens.
The others in the pics do all look like hens to me, so I think you just have the one roo.
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