Help Shell less Egg again....when do I start to worry....


Pooper Peeper
11 Years
Jul 26, 2008
Sebastopol, CA
I have 6 girls. One for sure is laying good eggs regularly. I think not sure I have another laying once every few days. I have another that gave 2 shell less eggs the same day from the roost a week ago and found another one this morning. All shell less eggs have been on the floor. My girls are 23 weeks old today. Should I be worried about the shell less eggs or give them time to mature....all replies are appreciated.
what do you feed them?
Sometimes they do that when they first lay.
My RIR kept laying eggs like that, though I feed them layer crumbles and crushed oyster shells.
I started giving them plain yogurt as a treat. No problems since.
Good Luck!
That's exactly the way that mine have started laying. It hasn't really mattered much what I've fed them, they still lay those same old shell-less eggs once they start to lay. Then the eggshells get harder then nails! I wouldn't worry to much. I think it is normal for some hens to start out laying that way. It's discouraging for us humans, because we can't eat the eggs. Give her a few days to get herself regulated and I'm sure things will turn around.
Meanwhile make sure she is getting a good layer feed and offered some oyster shell freely.
So far these girls do not like yogurt. I had them on a "flock grower" because I have babies and a rooster and wanted something they could all eat. I went this after noon and bought them regular layer crumbles. They have been on Oyster shells for 3 weeks.
The flock grower probably isn't helping. Now that they are getting some layer feed, the problem should be straightened out in no time.
it's good that you switched to layer does have some calcium in it..make sure they always have fresh water available.

you can make up a mix of layer feed, water cooked oatmeal, plain yogurt, and cooked egg yolk..
make crumbly, not soupy..
try giving them some of this every day for a week..

you also might want to check out Avia Charge at McMurrays Hatchery..

keep an eye on the vents for prolapse..
laying soft shelled eggs can cause prolapse..
poor girls..laying soft shelled eggs causes discomfort.
I have 2 chickens and one laid great eggs, the other started 2 weeks later and laid shellless eggs for about 2 weeks after that (not every day, the daylight is going away here and the chickens are laying about 2x a week now).

I was worried too for awhile at about the point you were at, but now she started laying eggs in the shell. Maybe just give her a little more time!

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