Help shrink wrapped chicks!!!

When mine are stuck like that I always help them out.
Just open the bator fast and get the egg/chick out and carefully peel it open. If it is really stuck to
it's feathers jsut take warm water and rub it lightly to get it off.
But yes your humidity is to low so you will for sure want to bump that up!
Update: Sorry guys i've been in there watching and messing with the bator. The humidity is at 60% now. It has pretty good all day but i did open it a couple of times. One of the chick has finally hatched on its own and another hatched as well but i still have one that hasn't zipped but looks like its beak is stuck in the membrane from when the humidity was low. I'm just going to leave them alone and watch them carefully. Thanks for everyones help on this it had me pretty worried but the good news is that so far they are all alive and i even had one hatch while waiting on them
Thank you all so much.

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