Help! Sick baby chick!!! Sudden!

Wow you are so nice sbrooks88! you're doing a great job at taking care of your "kids"!
She's back to her normal perky happy chicky self. I'm still keeping her away from her brother though he's a little bigger than she is and is a pig when it comes to eating and I don't want him to knock her scabs off. :) you all are great. I really appreciate all the input I get on here! :)
:( give it a few more days. There are a LOT of people on here and they are all super nice. Sometimes it's difficult to keep up with who said what and who's new and who's not. I only joined maybe a month ago.
Welcome to our forum! Sometimes people are on different time frames and it takes some time to know everyone but you are very welcome here! And I'm so glad you joined! This is a great place with tons of awesome information and I hope you keep coming back! I just know you will love it here once you get to
know some folks! If you ever need anything just ask
and I'm here and will help the best I can! I want to
give you a big WELCOME! And I'm very glad you
joined! :) :) I'd love to be friends!
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