HELP! Sick Baby Chick


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 8, 2014
Hello. I've 4 baby chicks. One was attacked a bit by the others yesterday but it still made it today. But, now it seems bit sick. It won't eat anything, can't walk properly as it falls and have his eyes closed and making noises. I think that baby chick is sad. What to do? Any way I can treat it?
Does it have any visible injuries? How badly was it attacked, and how (trampled, pecked, etc.)? If you can, I would see if you can get it to drink some vitamin/electrolyte water. Keep it warm, and perhaps put it close to the other chicks (but not in with them). That might make it less lonely. Its possible that the chick suffered internal injuries, in which case there is little you can do.
Does it have any visible injuries? How badly was it attacked, and how (trampled, pecked, etc.)? If you can, I would see if you can get it to drink some vitamin/electrolyte water. Keep it warm, and perhaps put it close to the other chicks (but not in with them). That might make it less lonely. Its possible that the chick suffered internal injuries, in which case there is little you can do.
Well, yesterday when I saw, it was bleeding a bit. Like, there was some blood on the feather and no feathers on the right leg. Then I witnessed other chicks trying to eat up his feathers and the leg part and I separated it. Kept it alone and in a bit warm area. It almost survived 16-18 hours before dying. It was okay in the morning, but strange in night. The chick was getting weak, and wasn't eating anything or drinking. Kept getting low and in the end it just hit the ground but still take breaths. I just covered it in the cotton, and kept at a side while I am grief. That chick seems dead, only just small breaths. :( :/ What could be the reason? The injury caused by other Chick Baby's, right?
Well, yesterday when I saw, it was bleeding a bit. Like, there was some blood on the feather and no feathers on the right leg. Then I witnessed other chicks trying to eat up his feathers and the leg part and I separated it. Kept it alone and in a bit warm area. It almost survived 16-18 hours before dying. It was okay in the morning, but strange in night. The chick was getting weak, and wasn't eating anything or drinking. Kept getting low and in the end it just hit the ground but still take breaths. I just covered it in the cotton, and kept at a side while I am grief. That chick seems dead, only just small breaths. :( :/ What could be the reason? The injury caused by other Chick Baby's, right?
Yes, it was probably severely injured and stressed out by the other chicks attacking it. I'm sorry for your loss.

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