help! sick peacock

OK I will get the safeguard for goats. The first pill was 1/2. Then today I have him a whole pill this morning and a whole pill before coming to work this afternoon. I was going to give another whole pill in the morning. Should I drop down to 1/2 twice a day after that to make them last?

Can I do the Safeguard Friday or should I wait?
I wouldn't wait too long on the safeguard... I don't think Metronidazole kills the protozoa that causes blackhead, just the secondary bacterial infection. I am really glad he is feeling better, and very grateful that there are such knowledgable folks here willing to share their expertise! And I agree, a VERY handsome boy! I really do love the black shouldered peas...
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I am working a 16 hour shift tomorrow. Friday is the soonest that I can get to the store and get it. Thanks for all the info.
I am grateful for everyone's knowledge also.

I wouldn't wait too long on the safeguard... I don't think Metronidazole kills the protozoa that causes blackhead, just the secondary bacterial infection.  I am really glad he is feeling better, and very grateful that there are such knowledgable folks here willing to share their expertise!  And I agree, a VERY handsome boy!  I really do love the black shouldered peas...

I think it does kill the Protozoa and any bacteria that are metronidazole sensitive, the same way it kills giardia, which is also a Protozoa. The Safeguard kills the cecal worm, which is probably how he became infected. I'll try to find a picture that shows it better than I can explain it. ;-)
I do know the cecal worm is a carrier of the protozoa, but didn't think the Metronidazole killed it. I could be wrong there and that would be great! I didn't know that it kills giardia... I figured it would kill the secondary bacteria and allow the immune system to control the rest (like when using Tylan for sinus problems). How long ago did you have to deal with blackhead (before it started showing up again)?
Believe it or not, I think it is even more complicated. Histomoniasis is a protozoan infection. That is a fact, however, the protozoa is carried in the eggs of nematodes or some other small egg bearing insect. It is transmitted to poultry because worms eat the eggs. So the protozoan is killed by the metro. Secondary infections would be cured by Tylan, Baytril, etc.. The worm carriers may or may not need to be killed separately. Confusing Huh?......
Just don't let your peacock drink anything with alcohol or put anything with alcohol on it's skin while it's on the metro... they use something very closely related to treat recovering alcoholics, it makes them violently ill when they are exposed to alcohol (even in mouthwash). I was put on it for an abscessed tooth (nasty tasting med, by the way...) and even washing dishes made me sick. I had to wear rubber gloves.

I did a search for Metronidazole giardia and did some reading, fascinating stuff!

Are you home yet to give us an update?
Did we ever do a list for meds that peas need? I can't remember if it was peas or turkeys or something else that you and I were on a thread talking about. Do you remember? Perhaps we should get another MED/First Aid kit/list so everyone will have it.
What was the name of that thread that had the debate about FDA banned drugs, NPIP, etc? I think there was a list in there.
OK I will get the safeguard for goats. The first pill was 1/2. Then today I have him a whole pill this morning and a whole pill before coming to work this afternoon. I was going to give another whole pill in the morning. Should I drop down to 1/2 twice a day after that to make them last?

Can I do the Safeguard Friday or should I wait?
I would make sure that I had enough to last at least five days. If that means giving half a day, then do that. Your other choice would be to order Fish-Zole (metronidazole for tropical fish) and have it delivered before the weekend. Once the weekend is here, your only chance of getting metronidazole is from the vet.

  • Have you weighed him yet?
  • Does his poop look any different?
  • Is he drinking?
  • Is he eating?

You might want to think about getting some Baytril, and you should probably overnight it.

I always worm the day I start metronidazole, but I don't know if that's necessary

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