Help! Sick Rooster!

Thanks for the link... He had his head up yesterday, but sometimes it would droop back down. He's still weak and has lost a lot of weight. The antibiotics will be here today. Hopefully that will perk him up some more.
If he has been moved recently, or if you have added other chickens he could have been exposed to coccidiosis.  It can be tracked in on your shoes and car tires also.  Since their are 9 different strains, even though most grown chickens have deveoped immunity to strains of cocci  their yards, any time a new one shows up they can get sick.  Corid (amprollium) 2 tsp of liquid or 1 tsp of the powder to 1 gallon of water for 5-7 days will treat it.  Another drug to treat it is sulfamethoxine (Albon, Sulfamed-G, and Di-Methox are brands) which is a treatment for cocci plus a sulfa drug to treat infection.  I also agree with worming him (Valbazen is best) and check under his vent closely for lice and mites.  Mites can make them anemic.

Edited for spelling.

I am having the same issues with my rooster. Where can I buy these meds?

My Rooster is very sick and hopefully someone can give me some ideas. I only have 6 hens and the rooster. They are free range all day and put up in the evenings. Clean water, clean coop and organic feed. I went to put them up the night before last and noticed he was slow and lethargic. The next morn his neck was hung low and he was standing but not moving. He's not eating or drinking. I've been feeding him liquid vitamin and water through a dropper.

Any help would be appreciated...I want to help him if possible before I have to put him down. He's such a good guy.

mine is too, i love this award winning mop headed polish rooster, way too young to die on me, hasn't even molted yet
This is an old thread. Corid (amprollium) can still be purchased at most feed stores to help treat coccidiosis. But the other drugs (sulfa antibiotics) have to be obtained from a vet, and May not treat as many strains of coccidia as the Corid.
Hope u can help me got sick rooster been sick for while dont know how long he been inside dont know how long. He is skinny pale comb and waddle he only pooping liitle water drops sometimes black his poop was fine in till now. He has no mites or lice what can I give him? I got rooster booster meds and other stuff here his pick
Hope u can help me got sick rooster been sick for while dont know how long he been inside dont know how long. He is skinny pale comb and waddle he only pooping liitle water drops sometimes black his poop was fine in till now. He has no mites or lice what can I give him? I got rooster booster meds and other stuff here his pickView attachment 1257235
Did he eat something bad for him?

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