Help! Sick Rooster!

Are his feet swollen and toe tips black? That looks like frostbite. I would bring him into a cool spot in the house. Offer him water with electrolytes or give him poultry NutriDrench 3 ml by mouth. Offer him some wet chicken feed, chopped egg, rinsed tuna, or chopped meat in small amounts to tempt him to eat. Encourage fluids orally with a small cup to his beak, and dip it in a time or two. His toe tips and nails may eventually fall off, but he will still be able to get around okay. Iodine or betadine on those black toes can help.
Yes but its not frost bite his feet where fine when I brought him in after a frist month his toes turn black cuz all I did was rip his dead scales off that were loose when it did after while turn black. I said he been in over a month so its not frost bite I know allot about chickens and frost bite I would of said he has frost bite he did loose toes. My other rooster dose have frost bite and its not black black means its dead he dont like eggs and now he not eating much he did at first when I first brought him in dont have that stuff dont know what it is I use rooster booster
What kind of meat read my thing better I said he been in for two or one. He been sick for months there no bird vet. His feet arent swllon but I do have anouther rooster with gout bad but in other ways he healthy.
I dont mean to sound rude but he not doing good when I first brought him in he was sick then was better now sick again wrose he pooping little drops now he wont eat much
Are his feet swollen and toe tips black? That looks like frostbite. I would bring him into a cool spot in the house. Offer him water with electrolytes or give him poultry NutriDrench 3 ml by mouth. Offer him some wet chicken feed, chopped egg, rinsed tuna, or chopped meat in small amounts to tempt him to eat. Encourage fluids orally with a small cup to his beak, and dip it in a time or two. His toe tips and nails may eventually fall off, but he will still be able to get around okay. Iodine or betadine on those black toes can help.
What is orally? And what u mean rinsed tuna u mean give him tuna?
Are his feet swollen and toe tips black? That looks like frostbite. I would bring him into a cool spot in the house. Offer him water with electrolytes or give him poultry NutriDrench 3 ml by mouth. Offer him some wet chicken feed, chopped egg, rinsed tuna, or chopped meat in small amounts to tempt him to eat. Encourage fluids orally with a small cup to his beak, and dip it in a time or two. His toe tips and nails may eventually fall off, but he will still be able to get around okay. Iodine or betadine on those black toes can help.
What dose ml stand for
Are his feet swollen and toe tips black? That looks like frostbite. I would bring him into a cool spot in the house. Offer him water with electrolytes or give him poultry NutriDrench 3 ml by mouth. Offer him some wet chicken feed, chopped egg, rinsed tuna, or chopped meat in small amounts to tempt him to eat. Encourage fluids orally with a small cup to his beak, and dip it in a time or two. His toe tips and nails may eventually fall off, but he will still be able to get around okay. Iodine or betadine on those black toes can help.
I dont have nutridrench 3 but I do have this how much shouldi give him in mouth and for how long?


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The picture is NutriDrench, the product I recommended. Give him 1/2 teaspoonful once a day into his beak a drop at a time or mix it into his food. Rinsed canned tuna gets the extra salt off of it.

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