help- sick turkeys


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jan 6, 2009
Warner Robins, Georgia
Hello all,
I've got some turkeys that have a cough and swollen sinuses. I tried doing meds in the water and have not seen a change in those I treated. I have kept my babies at the house away from the big turkeys so that they won't get sick but they are getting so big.
Can anyone help? not all are sick but one of the toms that hasn't been sick and is out of the pen is now coughing. My chickens that are in the same area are fine- no coughing or problems. There are several different breeds so it isn't a breed problem.

The swollen face can be from a few things, coryza, infectious bronchitis and a list of others but these are the most common. Mostly caused by over crowding and damp litter. It's like the colds we get and you need to knock it out quickly the longer it goes the harder to get rid of. You didn't say what you were treating them with? Terrymician is pretty much useless. you need Aureomycin or tylan powder. Aureomycin can be found at most feed stores, tylan you will need to order.

I don't really know about organic/natural methods harp turkey ranch here on BYC uses those, maybe they will share.

Hope this helps
Steve in NC
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The turkeys are not totally like that in the face. I've only had 1 die from this. I am thinking of taking one to a place in forysth to get it tested. I have 3 flocks and have some of each at least coughing but the youngest group of 4 almost all of them are sick. I will have to look and see what the name of the med is but it indicated that it would help w/ the sinus problem so I thought I would try it.
I would like to ge where my folks are healthy and tested but this is a big set back.
any help is sooooooooo appreciated.
Jmac, that's terrible. Yes, get the testing done ASAP (hoping it is a treatable illness and that your turks recover fully).

You didn't say how long this has been going on. Also, you might do well to have one of the chickens tested (can be asymptomatic carriers).

Maintain good isolation of your symptom free turks until testing is complete (maybe temp. pen on other `end' of property?).

The more information you can provide the better able more experienced members can offer helpful advice.

Good luck!

ed: you might do well to separate the other symptom free turks from those exhibiting frank symptoms (maybe this hasn't spread completely through flocks, yet).
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Maybe this is obvious, but are they being exposed to dusts? from bedding? Or could they be getting into any kind of poisons lying around? Have you put any chemicals in their vicinity or on them that they may have inhaled, such as Sevin dust?
nothing like that- I'm trying to get in touch w/ one of the poultry labs to see if I can take one in to get tested. I'm fairly new to turkeys so I'm not sure what to do but whatever it is all the adults have been exposed to it. I've got the babies from this year up by the house until I get it figured out and now of them are showing signs.

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