HELP!!! So many pips and then nothing

i just read one of your post and it says they have moved well if there moving there alive so that means your not to late if you fell like there is something seariously rong i would break a bit of the shell but keep it moist not to moist sometimes it takes ages for quail to hatch they most obsorbe there yolk sack once one hatches it will trigger the others to hatch allso
hope it goes well for .you
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Yes, you're right about the one hatching and then the others following along! I opened the one egg a little more. It's very reluctant, like it just wasn't ready to hatch. It's still curled up and halfway in the egg. It peeped and then I hear another peep inside the incubator. I also saw one wiggle. So, I'm not going to do anything else....just wait.
Well, the one I was helping is still in it's shell. It's beak is sticking out and it seems like it's sleeping. The membrane looks fine. I'm still seeing an occasional wiggle from another egg. I'm hoping they're just taking their time.....
I am interested to hear what others have to say. My hubby and I incubated 14 eggs. Two hatched yesterday I have 12 just sitting there, I am afraid my chicks are getting too hot, they moved to the edge of the incubator. I hope I did not hurt the other eggs when I opened to check on the chicks. The chicks have also stepped on some of the other eggs, turning them a bit. I am removing the chicks today. Humidity is high, temp is okay as far as I can tell. But we opened the box yesterday to take a chick out of the water (humidity supplier).
I am a bit nervous now. We are on day 22 today.
I hope we didn't hurt all them.
Most of them pipped yesterday afternoon and last night. So, it's been more than 24 hours. I wound up pulling out that one I was working on. There was some blood, but I was slow and careful. It really took the chick a long time to get itself out of a balled up position and it was probably traumatized. It seems OK. I still hear some peeping and a few eggs are wiggling, but no more progress in the way of zipping or hatching.

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