HELP!!! So many pips and then nothing

chicks42 i doubt you hurt them if you just opened it for a couple of secounds i had my chicks crawling over all the eggs and i still got a 80% hatch

mrbstephens so did you get the chick that you helped out of the egg yes if you did
he migth trigger others and even break a bit of the others egg pics of there position and stuff would be a great help keep us updated
That is delightful news!

7 Dutch bantams under my broody hen at the moment. Chirps abundant and tiny beaks poking through the egg shell.

So very exciting!!

Glad you've had a positive outcome.
I am so happy to find this information. My quail (bobwhites, I think) eggs seem to be taking a long time to hatch. I was on pins and needles all afternoon after the first one hatched. The 3rd of 9 seems to be making the "pip" (knocking off a line of shell like a can opener) about 1/2 way around the shell and now it has stopped doing anything. I will wait until tomorrow for the results. After all I have put these eggs through, I am surprised any of them hatched at all. It is thanks to the people here at Backyard Chickens and all the information posted that they are alive. :eek:)
92 is outstanding - many congratulations especially after your anticipation earlier!
Great that you've pulled through and best of luck with your Quails - they're eggs
are SO delicious!


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