Help! Someone dumped baby chicks in my yard!!

That last pic is a hoot!

Has anyone ever told you you take great pics? You do!

I use a red "party light" bulb for my babies at night- actually all the time - they don't seem to be bothered by it. I keep the brooder well covered, with 2 small ventilation openings, and it stays pretty toasty. As they get bigger, I start peeling more of the covers open to adjust the temp gradually.

Those chicks are so lucky to have ended up with you.
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Awww, how precious!!! I wouldn't mind a few chicks showing up in my yard either. Especially as cute as those are!!! I am going to venture a guess that someone knows you are a kind person and would take good care of their babies. Maybe, for whatever reason, the person couldn't keep them and so brought them to you. If they just left them then there is no opportunity for you to say 'no', so, fearing rejection they just left them for you to find. In any case, congrats on your fuzzy butted little suprises!!! LOVE the pictures btw...
thanks everyone. I got some great advice today from ntvheart on twitter. She recommended putting a stuffed animal in with them. The loudest chick, while still loud, is not crying as much and has snuggled up under the ear of the dog beanie baby:lol:
Not advocating you go out and spend a lit, but I got a ceramic heating disk instead of a light, becasue I couldn't imagine being in blazing light 24 hours a day. I have it in a regular reflecting bulb holder, and have tested to see that it does hold a go temp. It is supposed to last 5 years.

We'll see. Best of luck with those babes. Maybe you'l learn the truth some day, but I can't help but believe your karma will be better for taking these poor little ones under your wing.

And you do have the best eye for a good shot!

Maybe a lovely child's book could come out of this experience.
Get an old fashioned feather duster and attach it to one side of whatever you are using as your brooder in the corner, just so it barely touches the bottom of your brooder.

They are so cute at that stage. It will be interesting to see what they develop as.
i'm glad the beanie baby is helping your baby! i keep a lil stuffed animal in with my newly hatched quail and they really love it lol

it was nice to meetcha today. i've never met anyone who was the victim of a drive by chicking before!
sadly, we lost one chick. She was the super noisy one that always seemed cold no matter what we did.
The others seem fine and have settled even more now that she's passed

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