Help! something is wrong with Goldie**UPDATE**


In the Brooder
12 Years
Dec 27, 2007
Egg Harbor
I went out yesterday to find my goldie lying by the door to the coop. I was bringing out their afternoon treat and at first thought she had been rolling in the dirt, but when I threw out the grapes she did not join in on the feeding frenzy. She's my best eater.. ok she's on the fat side. Her tail was down and she was breathing heavy. She did eat but no alot.
This morning goldie was out but still lying down.
Any ideas what this could be?

Unfortunatly Goldie passed away this afternoon.
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Yikes Sadie - this sounds bad. Others will be by with good advice, I'm sure, but in the meantime, maybe you can provide more for them to go on. This will save time.

How old is she?
Pooping normally?
Any discharges?
Has she been laying eggs?
Have you examined her for injuries?
What is her diet?
(How's your weather? Any extreme temps?)

I don't want to bombard you with questions, but the answers to these may be helpful.
Goldie is about 10 months old
she eats layer pellets, corn, fruit,veggies,
she has not been laying. she stopped laying in jan when I got her.
It looks like she has had a bit of diarea
our weather has been up and down but not too bad lately.
I could not see any injuries
no discharges

could she be egg bound?
That is a distinct possibility and one thing I'm worrying about. Have you noticed her nesting (attempting to lay) in the past few weeks?
Sorry for your loss.

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