Help Splinting a broken leg


6 Years
Mar 3, 2013
Hello, this is Spring our 3 and 1/2 year old white commercial one of our first chickens:

about 3 days ago we saw that she was sleeping on top of a laying box rather then the perch with the others that night, the following morning she hopped out of the pen on one leg and her other feels loose, but doesn't seem to be broken. we think it may be a broken tendon, so we put a rough splint on it temporarily until we find out how to splint the specific spot. the joint that seems that has a broken tendon seems to be the joint where the whole leg structure connects first visibly to the side of the chicken (where the skin first attaches), so because of the area it is therefore very hard to splint because there is no straight leg to splint.

It may be easier to understand it this way:

So is it possible to splint such a joint?
Will the splint we have on now help at all?

Answers appreciated.

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Oh, i should mention the reason she looks so rough is she's also molting.
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I think your definitely on the right track. If I could offer advice, I would. :) But I've never had a chicken with a broken leg, so I haven't much of an idea; but like I said, I believe your on the right track. Just make sure she's eating and drinking. Maybe look up on the internet about birds with broken legs and how to splint that certain area so it can heal right.

Have a great day!
I'm more familiar with sprains, but I don't know if I would splint for anything, but a broken bone. Is a vet a possibility where they could Xray her leg? Upper leg breaks are hard to heal. Give her some vitamins in her water, and restrict her activity with caging. You might check into using a sling for several hours a day:
thanks, i haven't been able to find anything on the specific area that's why a resorted to the fourm
I think your definitely on the right track. If I could offer advice, I would. :) But I've never had a chicken with a broken leg, so I haven't much of an idea; but like I said, I believe your on the right track. Just make sure she's eating and drinking. Maybe look up on the internet about birds with broken legs and how to splint that certain area so it can heal right.

Have a great day!
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thanks, we will make a sling, and what type of vitamins? vitamin C? but we wouldn't get the leg xrayed, thanks!
I'm more familiar with sprains, but I don't know if I would splint for anything, but a broken bone. Is a vet a possibility where they could Xray her leg? Upper leg breaks are hard to heal. Give her some vitamins in her water, and restrict her activity with caging. You might check into using a sling for several hours a day:
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Sometimes you can't do anything to help since the injury is higher up. It might heal on its own if she doesn't walk on it too much. I don't know if the splint will help or not because it doesn't keep the 'floppy loose joint' straight. I would suggest jus letting her heal on her own and try not to let her walk on it too much. Hope this helps!

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