HELP! SPUR WON'T STOP BLEEDING!!! need ideas in case other ideas don't work

He is probably deficient in vitamin K (essential for blood coagulation). Feed mill error (?) or something like that, meaning the other ones are deficient too. So...kale, swiss chard, collard greens, cabbage, broccoli or cucumber, whatever is available should be offered regularly to up the vit K. For example, blended cucumber mixed with their feed will provide a memorable feast.
He is probably deficient in vitamin K (essential for blood coagulation). Feed mill error (?) or something like that, meaning the other ones are deficient too. So...kale, swiss chard, collard greens, cabbage, broccoli or cucumber, whatever is available should be offered regularly to up the vit K. For example, blended cucumber mixed with their feed will provide a memorable feast.
Nah. Spurs just bleed a lot (like a dog's claws, if you've ever accidentally nicked one.)
okay it stopped bleeding after about 30 minutes? something like that I just taped the cotton ball over the spur like you said and left him be for the night. though some blood was still trickling this morning like just a couple drops every few minutes. should I keep him separated from the hens?

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