help! stinky deck.....

At the top of the BYC page you're posted on, there's a search bar. Type in odor control, & click on search. Several posts, & suggestions.

Also, fence off the deck so that they can't get underneath.
I did fence it off today, but they really like hanging out in the corner under a lilac tree. They destroyed my day lily's that are there, but I don't really care about them. I just don't really want it to be stinky near the deck. But I will try trimming up the lilac tomorrow so at least I can get under to clean it out. Chickens 2 mom 0! Thank you!
Depending on what you want to spend you could block off access to the area under your deck - after it has a good cleaning, sanitizing. At the low end poultry wire should keep chckens out but, if you want to keep out other critters like skunks, raccoons etc. the high end would be 1/2" hardware cloth.
I used some lattice to block off where they were going in. But the other side is still open so I have allot of work still, because we store stuff under there in the winter so I have to build a door, and enclose the rest of the area, including the stairs, they go in through the stairs as well. It's kinda strange, when I'm outside they come out from under the deck, when I go inside they go back under. They threw out all my mulch and dig for bugs. They make me laugh! Thanks for the ideas, we might do that for a temporary fix.

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