Help Suddenly lethargic hen- did I do something wrong?

Are you sure she is eating? You could trying feeding her some favorite treat. Most of our ladies really perk up when they see me bring out the cold yogurt on hot days.

I wouldn't give antibiotics based on one poo. It could be that way because of heat stress or something she ate.

I'm not sure what you mean when you say she is in the brooder now. Is that inside your house? garage? barn? How big an area is it? Is it an area you have easy access to, so you can check on her at all hours?

If this is your isolation area, that is probably the place for her. You can monitor her water and feed intake better, and keep an eye on the poo situation. I think it would help ease your mind to have her close and she would probably benefit from the extra attention.

Please keep up posted.
Has she been acting like this for a long time? Are others in the coop starting to act funny too?
Has their been exposure to mouse or rat feces??? Or could have there been exposure???
Not sure if you are still needing responses, but I have had a sick roo and he wouldn't eat until someone told me to give him canned cat food. Well wouldn't you know he decided to start eating right then. It has really helped him regain his strength, just a thought.
check the crop..feel for any lumps or grainy feeling..
check the mouth and throat for any sores.

feel the belly area for any swelling or heat.
see if she will walk..and observe is she limps..
check for any injury to legs..
check bottom of feet for any sores or scabs.

is she panting, or holding her wings out?

has she been wormed?

what kind of electrolytes did you give?
a commercial mix, or gatorade, Pedialyte, etc.?

try and bring this girl in where it's cool, but out of draft.
get some commercial electrolyte mix..preferably made by durvet if you can.
they also have a vitamin and electrolyte mix.

are you able to take a fecal sample to a vet for fecal float to check for worms or protozoa(cocci)?

make up a mixture of water cooked oatmeal, plain yogurt, cooked chopped egg, and layer feed.
if she won't eat on her own..try rolling pellets from the mixture and "force feed" by placing in mouth, and stroking the throat downwards to encourage swallowing.
put the electrolytes in the water..
if you aren't able to find the vitamin/electrolyte mix..give Poly-vi-sol liquid baby vitamins, Enfamil brand, no iron..3 drops once a day on beak for a week or so, then taper off.
and diluted Pedialyte..

do you have any meds on hand?
If you have a cat or dog carrier, you might consider bringing her inside and placing her in a cool room with food and water. My hen was acting in a similar way. I picked her up when I was on the computer. Her cage was next to me and she started cooing and clucking again. She slept in her crate next to my daughter and went outside the next moring and everything is fine. I think some breeds are more prone to heatstroke. Let us know what happens. We care.
Thanks everyone for your help. She seems a bit better, eating a little more I'd like to hear her cluck more though, she's my loud mouth ( BTW -she's the Picture of the Week a while back - my white Deleware )
I'll try and run through the questions.

She's in the garage in a crate an ICU for our chickens. Cool, draft free, dry
We gave electrolytes I got from TSC not sure of brand but not gatorade type of thing
All other chickens in coop are fine. Eating/drinking
She has been given layer mash moistened, I have no yogurt ( going today ), gave her egg yesterday, did not eat will try again today
I gave Poly-sol baby vitamins in water- electrolytes are removed as of Monday
No panting- or wings spread
No sores/scabs anywhere
Felt her and could not feel firmness or swelling on crop/bottom, etc
Yesterday she didn't move, just froze in place. I will put her outside to see if behavior continues, she doesn't have much room in the crate to tell but she is moving in crate a little.
I have never wormed with a medicine, but once a month I put Apple cider vinegar in waterer. I bought pumpkin seeds yesterday and gave them to her this a.m. I'll check to see if she ate them. Supposed to help with worms
Finally found food grade DE, would like to add to food, not sure of ratio or how. Please advise.

Thank you, thank you. She is my son's chicken and he is so upset about this.
Well, I really have no idea what is going on with my Ming Ming. I have done everything I can think of and she's just not herself. We put her out with the group thinking she needed the company. She perked up for about 1/2 hour now she's laying down not doing much again. I still can't feel any eggs in her belly ( though she has not laid an egg in 2 days ), or swelling in her crop. Her waddles are red, she's eating very little though. I have tried feeding her everything and the only thing she ate was wet cat food. I know I have to limit that as well.
I have no idea what is making her so lethargic. Any other remedy to bring her back would be helpful. If she were anemic, what signs would she display?
Being a newbie, I have no idea of what would help Ming Ming. Have you tried Sulmet? I know that it sounds silly but does she respond when you hold her? I know that many animals (and people) respond to the human touch.

It might help to use DE all over her so that you can get rid of the mites since they are parasites and can't be doing her any good.

Keep in touch. Good luck with Ming Ming!

Salpingitis or other infection of the reproductive tract? There could be an infection, even without a fully-formed egg in the tract.

Just a thought ~ good luck!

Jenski in TN

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