Help! Surprise chick delivery!


We lost the two weakest chicks-- one Americuana, and the Gold-laced Wyandotte

The Americuana was hanging back from the others, seemed really stressed... Passed the first morning we had them.

The Wyandotte had what looked to me to be an infected umbilical stump. She was really wobbly on her feet, didn't have much of an appetite, and was stressed from being handled as I was trying to bandage the cord stump... Looked like she was doing better, but when I checked on them this evening, she was gone.

The rest are all really happy and healthy-seeming, though
! Five left, which, all considering, seems pretty good (after the all-day ride in the cold mail truck, then surprise delivery to a family not at all ready to them...)

Thanks for all your help, folks!


P.S. Sea Chick, I will email you about the "fighting city hall" stuff as soon as my human kids are over whatever bug it is that they've come down with...

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