I have a 20 week old EE who suddenly has a swollen eye, noticed yesterday. All of my hens free range in a fenced in one acre pasture, which they cannot get out of. Yesterday afternoon I found Tilly by herself, which is not uncommon for her as she is somewhat of a loner, although she does stay with and near the rest of the flock. The only symptoms she has is her left eye is swollen shut. No wheezing, runny nose or eyes, no blood, no noticable injury. She still forages, but not as much as usual. I am noticing that she wants to just stand around doing nothing, so this indicates to me she is either uncomfortable or disoriented (or both.) I live in Maine so I really don't believe she has eye worm. All of my hens are extremely healthy, so my thought is maybe she got something in her eye that is irritating it, but if that is the case would she act sick?
Hope someone has some ideas here! I do plan to call a vet as soon as they are open, but not sure if my vet has experience with chickens.
Hope someone has some ideas here! I do plan to call a vet as soon as they are open, but not sure if my vet has experience with chickens.