help these horses!! this is crazy!! read this ad!

He may have just put that in there to get all the emphathetic people to go and buy the horses and just claims that if they don't buy them they'll end up as meat. Just a sales strategy. I see that happen a lot with dogs too. People beg you to buy the dog or it will be euthanized in the shelter and when they can't sell it they just keep it with no intention of utting it down. Just my thought.
If sales of horses in that part of the market (price range) weren't so bad, I'd assume it was some kind of ploy.

Given how bad the market is these days I would not be surprised by anything.

Basically, I think the best thing one can do with these ads is to not believe anything - particularly not the training and experience, but not even the height, breeding and gender and age. Go look at the horse, if it is suitable for you, get a veterinary exam, if it passed the vet, buy it.
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Both US slaughter houses - for horses- are closed down. Hence the reason, horse sales have PLUMMETED!

NOT legal to slaughter horses in the US, even for personal use or on personal property. You may euthanize by a vet, but not sell for meat. Call AC!
I have to agree. I know far too many irrisponsible people who breed every back yard piece of junk just because it can be bred or studed out and call themselves a breeder. They say that if it is on their property it needs to be earning it's keep. Well, breeding a junk mare and producing a $250 foal is not making any money and certainly not earing it's keep! All it does is make more unwanted, uncared for junk animals that nobody wants. It is a disgrace! I love animals, all animals, but starving or neglect and abuse is no life for any animal. Better it be killed in a humane fashion and used as food.



I feel the same way about dogs and cats...if there are cultures living in the US who would like to utilize this excess in our shelters, I think they should be allowed to do so.
They have outlawed the slaughter of horses in the USA but it is still legal in Canada and Mexico but it is illegal to transport horses across the boarder for those purposes. Horses are a favoret dish in European countries but it is not even legal to process your own horse here in the US. So either way you look at it "meat horses" are illegal!! Did a school project on this subject after working on a rescue farm and seeing what came into the barns. The last US slaughter house to close was in Texas after the community burnt it down down and the plant owners rebuilt it. They even caught people slaughtering the remaining horses at the plant in the middle of the night right before the horses were to be taken off of the property by local rescues. needless to say they were all arrested and slammed with fines an jail time..
It is so weird how far we have come in this country on deciding what is livestock and what is not. We can not eat horse meat anymore. When we were kids, my dad was struggling and horse meat was cheaper than cattle. We ate it. Whippy. Nothing wrong with it. I understand that some people feel this is unethical. There is a difference between livestock and pleasure animals. I think to each his own. I would eat a horse. Why should they only be rendered for the "glue" factory, or animal feed. I think the meat would be just as well served for people who are on tighter budgets and go with out quality meat. I would not eat a horse that I had raised as a pet, but then again, maybe if I was in a position of "its me or the dog" I'd eat it. I would be respectful of it, just as I am of my chickens. I do not think I'd have a problem with other cultures eating cats and dogs, so long as they were butchered apropriately first.

However, since it is an illegal thing he is saying that he will do, then I'd report it also. We have laws in this country for a reason, no matter how... illogical they may seem. But maybe like PP said, figures he's just saying it to get them sold.

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