HELP! This was on my friend's chicken! URGENT!

We will check back later for more pics. The name I was looking for earlier was an embrionic implant for comb-type tissue being on a growth on the side of the face. We have seen that before with red comb-like tissue showing up on a leg or other area on the body. I was incorrect to call it a teratoma.
Okay so I have some more information to add to the pile. First I got some side pictures:


I did try poking it to see if any puss would come out but I didn't get any (hence the blood in the picture) I don't know if i didn't go deep enough or if it's merely not a pocket of puss. I personally think it's a tumor but I want to know everyone's opinion. The chicken is eating, sleeping, walking, drinking, and pooping normally too. This is a true mystery for me.
I also think it looks like a possible tumor with the new pics. It is near the ear, so it might be good to check the ear canal for any evidence of infection, mites, or drainage. Ear infection or respiratory infection can cause swelling around an ear, but this looks more like tumor. Usually with an abscess, you will get some solid or soft pus out of the mass. That is just my opinion, and I'm not a vet.
I also think it looks like a possible tumor with the new pics. It is near the ear, so it might be good to check the ear canal for any evidence of infection, mites, or drainage. Ear infection or respiratory infection can cause swelling around an ear, but this looks more like tumor. Usually with an abscess, you will get some solid or soft pus out of the mass. That is just my opinion, and I'm not a vet.

I really appreciate the feedback. Unfortunately I don't have constant access to the chicken. What do you suggest that I do (or tell my friend to do)?
I would just watch it to see if it grows or causes a problem. They also may want to try to lance it again in another spot and try to express hardened pus. Chickens can get tumors like the rest of animals. If it got big enough, it could rupture and bleed, or it could invade other tissue. Certain illnesses such as Mareks and Lymphoid leukosis can cause malignant tumors anywhere inside or outside the body. I am sure those are not the only causes of tumors, and hers may not be related.
I would just watch it to see if it grows or causes a problem. They also may want to try to lance it again in another spot and try to express hardened pus. Chickens can get tumors like the rest of animals. If it got big enough, it could rupture and bleed, or it could invade other tissue. Certain illnesses such as Mareks and Lymphoid leukosis can cause malignant tumors anywhere inside or outside the body. I am sure those are not the only causes of tumors, and hers may not be related.
Thank you so much! I'll pass this on to my friend!

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