Help! To separate or not to separate??


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jul 7, 2013
Graham, NC
So we have a hen who's been sitting on 8 eggs and they are starting to hatch. I should have been more prepared, but I assumed the momma hen would take care of them if they hatched, and i really didnt think they would, and she unsuccessfully brooded before. Well, one hatched last night, which I discovered when I was moving the momma hen to the side to collect the newly laid eggs for the day. I didn't touch it and just put her back, only she started pecking at it and flung it up. So I grabbed it and took it out. It's fine, perfectly healthy. This morning I thought I would try to put it back so she can care for it. In doing so, we discovered another one had hatched. Also, a different hen was laying while the momma took a water break. So when they did the switch, we threw last night's baby back in, and all seemed fine. Then, a little bit later when we checked on them again, she had kicked out the newest baby and kind of buried it under some bedding. It was still alive, but definitely didn't appear to be thriving. It seems to not be able to hold its head up. Fearing that she had done something to this one, we took it and the healthy one from last night out. My big question is, do I separate chicks from the mom or leave them together? Do I separate mom and chicks from the flock? Do I introduce the babies to food and water or does the momma hen do that? I read on another post that an inexperienced momma hen might trample her own. That's what seems like might have happened with this second chick. :-(
It sounds like the problem is that there seems to be only one nest or at least a flock favorite nest. Then disturbing her constantly removing eggs causes stress.
She should be/have been in a nest where she isn't disturbed.
If you can get her into a nest without disturbances she should be fine but with them in the process of hatching that may be impossible.
When chicks start to hatch, she usually won't come off the nest. I'd keep the new ones warm and yes you can teach them to drink and eat but she will do so as well.
I think the trampling comes from all the disruption while the hatching process is ongoing.
Yes, it's the favorite box. I have 14 hens and 1 roo. We have 8 nesting boxes, but they only lay in a few boxes. So I shouldn't try to move her right now?
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And this one that appears to have been trampled, is it possible for it to survive? It's still alive, but not looking so good. :'(
I had this problem with my girls. You should block off the nest completly as soon as she goes broody. The less stress the better. I did this by leaving her in the egg box and putting hardware cloth around the egg box and part of the coop to make a divider. Make sure it is stable so the other hens cant get in ( nail it down to the floor, walls and roof of the coop) and put down separate food and water for the broody hen and chicks. the other hens will probably lay there eggs as close to the nest as they can with the divider in the way. when your hens are all laying eggs it causes stress, could crack eggs and obviously trample and kill any newborns. I don't think your broody through the baby out of the nest box but rather your other hens may have pushed it out. I would keep them separated for now and see how they do without their mom
Well the first one is doing well so far. But the trampled one is not doing much, just breathing.

So should I just wait until the rest hatch or should I go out there and try to separate them now, since they've already started to hatch? I can see another chick has hatched but is laying behind her, not quite under her. I didn't want to get too close and disturb her again though, so I can't tell what condition its in.
its hard to say. I would try and take her if you know that your hens are going to be in and out of the egg box trying to lay. The first few hours they have trouble walking so they can't get out of the way if a big hen comes and sits on top of them.
If I put a dog crate in there and create her a new/separate nesting box, do you think she will reject it because it's new, or will she continue to lay on the remaining eggs and care for the new chicks?

I do think other hens may keep trying to come in and out of that one box. Two other eggs have been laid today in a different box, and I've left them there instead of collecting them in order to encourage others to lay there, but I can't be for certain that they will.
She'll most likely reject it. My hen refuses to move off the best as soon as she's broody. I would pull he baby out if I were you... I know you probably want her to be a mom but it may end badly if you don't pull the baby out. Maybe do it the right way next time and have a fresh start.
Thank you so much. I'm going to take your advice and take the babies out. Any suggestions for the injured one? I don't know how bad it is. It's still alive, just not doing so well. :-(

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