HELP........too many eggs

My heart bleeds for you.
kmom, I think this is kinda important. Scramble them, don't fry them. I say this because to me a fried egg still looks like what it egg. Chickens aren't bright, but you don't want them to get any ideas about that fried egg being the same thing they have available to them in the coop. This could lead to (raw) egg eaters. Best to scramble them. They'll love them without making the connecton.

That is a rumour that is just not founded and best not continued cause it's just silly.

I've pitched eggs that a toenail has dented out to the chickens and just plain throw whole eggs shell and all out to them straight from the nest and that has NOT made them break regular eggs at all.
Not to say that if a thinned shelled egg breaks in the nest that they won't eat it..they will but that does not encourage them to bust open the eggs that are layed in the nests or anywhere else.
Sorry but I'm just tired of hearing this rumour that prob. got started cause of a soft shelled egg breaking in the nest and hens eating it or an occasional hen/rooster that has learned that trick of breaking hard shelled eggs themselves (rare).
kmom, I think this is kinda important. Scramble them, don't fry them. I say this because to me a fried egg still looks like what it egg. Chickens aren't bright, but you don't want them to get any ideas about that fried egg being the same thing they have available to them in the coop. This could lead to (raw) egg eaters. Best to scramble them. They'll love them without making the connecton.

That is a rumour that is just not founded and best not continued cause it's just silly.

I've pitched eggs that a toenail has dented out to the chickens and just plain throw whole eggs shell and all out to them straight from the nest and that has NOT made them break regular eggs at all.
Not to say that if a thinned shelled egg breaks in the nest that they won't eat it..they will but that does not encourage them to bust open the eggs that are layed in the nests or anywhere else.
Sorry but I'm just tired of hearing this rumour that prob. got started cause of a soft shelled egg breaking in the nest and hens eating it or an occasional hen/rooster that has learned that trick of breaking hard shelled eggs themselves (rare).

An egg eating hen is very difficult to break and in fact alot of people cull them. Why take the chance when it's possible to do something that may prevent it from happening in the first place?
You know everyone has the right to raise their chickens the way they see fit. If I don't believe in something I simply don't do it. I can take advice or leave it as I see fit too.
I scramble eggs with meat spots and feed them to the chickens, but I also crush up all the egg shells and mix them in with the scrambled eggs. I totally agree that I don't want my chickens eating eggs in the nest, so I don't feed them eggs as is. I always scramble them and break them up really well with the mixed crushed egg shells in it. IF there is a chance that feeding them an egg that's in tact will cause them to eat eggs from the nests, then I'm not taking it!! Better safe than sorry!!
An egg eating hen is very difficult to break and in fact alot of people cull them. Why take the chance when it's possible to do something that may prevent it from happening in the first place?
You know everyone has the right to raise their chickens the way they see fit. If I don't believe in something I simply don't do it. I can take advice or leave it as I see fit too.

With all due respect I have not seen where any of this has been from your personal experience.​
With all due respect I have not seen where any of this has been from your personal experience.

Well it is from my personal experience. I had chickens years and years ago, and had some hens start to eat eggs. They got the entire coop involved; I couldnt get to the eggs fast enough. They were eaten before they were dry. As soon as the hen started clucking, they'd all run to the box and start eating. I got rid of the entire bunch and swore Id never have chickens again.

We know how that oath ended up....I still try and get the eggs out of the coop as quickly as I can, just remembering how it was before. Im horrified that an egg gets cracked when laid, or one laid out in the coop area gets pecked out of curiosity, and it all starts again. Scares the hell out of me.

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