Help !! tried Duramycin 10 ..not helping ,WHAT NOW

You can also contact Peter at and ask him about the symptoms- if he can help you diagnose the issue, he can send you the appropriate medicines, as well.

If you are dealing with something less responsive to Duramycin, it may be that another med will help, but rather than just trying another random med, I'd ask Peter.

Best of luck, and making sure they're getting food and water is half the battle- many times they quit eating when sick and won't get better due to that.
Well a diagnosis is what you need. First, never give antibiotics when you have no clue what you are dealing with...why? each antibiotic helps with different things and one may work whereas one will not.

If you have dosed them with a solid antibiotic (which you have), obviously it is not working. That NORMALLY means it is viral if you see no improvement.

Viral you only have 2 choices....

Choice 1 and it is limited, with some viral conditions it is simply a matter of keeping all of your birds there and nothing in or out as speckledhen stated. and

Choice 2 - cull, disinfect everything, wait a month or so, disinfect again which could include removed soil and etc...then restock your flock.

You want advice...but you want it only if it is what you want to hear, or if it is the quick fix. Sadly, that is not always the case. It is hard to advise someone without trying to diagnose the problem in the first place.

A wise man (my great grandfather) once told me "Never ask the question if you do not want to hear the answer".

I am sorry your girls are sick, but you really need to get one of the birds checked by a vet or necropsied. If one of the girls dies on her own, send her to the state lab for a necropsy.

Good luck with your flock.
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i'm so over the rude ppl , yes i ask for advise just like everyone else on here does
i just don't wanna kill my birds untill i have tryed everything if ur gonna be rude don't respond ....
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and somtimes it not se easy to just go to the vet with a chicken .first i have been trying to find one around me then theres money ,all i ask was did anyone have ideas and becuse i dont wanna cull my birds
Please understand that noone on here is trying to be rude-they are trying to help you.

I absolutely understand that you want to do everything you can to save your birds(I am the same way), but sometimes, like Speckledhen said, you can do more harm than good by treating them with medicine that they don't need/are not responding to.

I have gained a wealth of information on here from these good people and I think you will too.

While the vet meant well, he/she was probably just shooting in the dark telling you to give antibiotics-most vets are not familiar with chickens and their illnesses.

Supportive care is by all means your best bet at this point.

Hoping for the recovery of your flock.
I'm not sure where you're getting this, but not one person has been rude to you in this thread. You received advice based on what you told us you had done and the symptoms your birds were having. If your birds have a virus and they very well may since they did not respond to antibiotics, it is a simple basic biological fact that antibiotics will do nothing and supportive care is your best option. If you want fairy tales, this is not the place for them. Sorry if that sounds harsh. I do care, but we can't change the facts and give you a magic solution.
i guess im taking how some ppl are saying things the wrong way , and for that i'm sorry ..and for the life of me i can't find a vet closer then 2hours ...grr why does no one treat chickens .i have v&E in there water ,and they are eating and drinking and up and running around they are normal except for how they sound and runny noses and eyes ..i have meet some really great frinds on here , and have learned alot on here also ,but i'm not gonna kill my girls unill there is no hope ,the vet i talked to was from MSU poultry dept's a vet school and he says they see lotsa this around this time of year and in the spring so i don't know anymore ..i would take one of them to him but 2 hours away i will see how they do ...thanks for your help .Lisa
Lisa, we all would love for your birds to recover. A vet will treat your birds because you ask him to, but what he may not do is tell you exactly what they have (many guess rather than test anyway) and he will most likely not tell you that if they recover, they may remain carriers for life. Obviously, to know it's one of those diseases, they'd have to test the birds. Many, maybe even most, respiratory chicken diseases are similar to herpes/HIV type viruses in that regard-the body retains them for the rest of their lives.
That is why many have the policy to cull their birds who come down with respiratory illness rather than treat. It's not that they don't care about the birds; they just do not want to set up a cycle of disease in their flocks that they may never be free of. Anyone who knows me or has seen me around my birds, knows how very much I love them. Even then, I would not treat, per the policy I put into place before I even got my first chicks. So, I don't want you to think that I don't care about my birds and am just being flippant and insensitive when I mention euthanizing sick birds. Naturally, it's your choice and I hope things turn out okay for you.

I think you're wanting another antibiotic to try and I do understand your desperation. The one recommended for respiratory stuff is Tylan injectible. Since they still have those symptoms after a round of Duramycin, I feel it's probably viral, though, and you may be building antibiotic resistance by treating with an AB when it isn't necessary. I am certainly not a vet and do not claim to have poultry vet's knowledge, but I would dare say that most experienced poultry keepers here on BYC know more about chickens than the average vet does. The "treat or cull" is your personal decision and no one is trying to take that away from you. Some diseases are passed down through the egg from carrier birds, though, and you should just be aware of that.
Everyone has really good advice, and whenever you commit yourself to animals, it's best to consider all options, even the ones no one wants to think about. It's part of loving living creatures.

If you don't want to consider the last resort, then it's your responcibility to keep your flock "closed", by not adding any chickens, or selling/rehoming any to new homes where they could spread what ever it is further.

If you lose a bird, send it off to be necroscopied. That way you can find out EXACTLY what it is, and treat accordingly.

As far as other medicines, don't give them anything but vitamins, since you don't know what you're dealing with. Waste of money, treating for "anything". By the time you've bought every kind of "over the counter" drug for them, you've just spent what it would have cost to have a vet test and diagnose this.

You can either do your best to care for them drug free, cull out the sick ones, or you can try everything "cheap" until you've spent a lot, or you can go ahead and spend "a lot" to find out what it is.

All we can do is advise and wish you luck!
Thanks Cynthia , I'm sorry for being grumpy/rude just so stressed , i understand what your saying ,we have no plans to get more chickens and we don't sell our eggs we have 12 hens and we love them bunches ,there our pets and don't want to loose any but i do understand thing happen and i have had to put one down already this spring and hoep this girls can get better they act fine just some sound bad and some . look bad with the eyes all eating drinking and running after me for some treats today (scrabeled eggs ) only 3 are laying .the rest have not started yet . i'm still trying to find a vet closer to me so they can check one of the girls out .thanks for all your help .hope u have a blessed day ...Lisa

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