These are NOT my turkeys, I am helping someone out. He raises meat turkeys (white ). He has 3 pens of turkeys. One pen has severe puffy faces, swollen nostrils and a wicked cough.( pictures below) One pen is starting to get it and one pen is completely fine. He has kept chickens in with these turkeys but the chickens show no signs of being sick or any symptons. He also has pigs and geese very close to these turkeys. I was thinking MG but not sure. They dont have any nasty smell coming from there nose either.
These are NOT my turkeys, I am helping someone out. He raises meat turkeys (white ). He has 3 pens of turkeys. One pen has severe puffy faces, swollen nostrils and a wicked cough.( pictures below) One pen is starting to get it and one pen is completely fine. He has kept chickens in with these turkeys but the chickens show no signs of being sick or any symptons. He also has pigs and geese very close to these turkeys. I was thinking MG but not sure. They dont have any nasty smell coming from there nose either.