Help! Turner broke!


14 Years
May 3, 2007
North Central MS
My automatic egg turner was working fine this week with my duck eggs, but yesterday I added in chicken eggs, and now it's not turning! I found that if I unattach it from the motor, I can turn the racks by hand. Would turning the racks like that (like an auto turner normally works) for times a day by hand be enough?

Also, would it be better to keep doing that, or buy a new turner? Would it cool too much by me taking the time to switch all the eggs to a new turner and putting them back in?

Help please!

I, personally, would just go ahead and manually turn the turners. however, if you prefer to get a new one, I would say it could be switched out quickly enough not to be a problem. Good luck!!!!
I agree, it wouldn't hurt them at all to turn them like that. My turner motor quit this week also, and that's what I'm doing with mine.

I wouldn't buy a completely new turner, you can get a replacement motor for them, and the motors don't cost quite as much as the whole turner does. I am not able to buy a whole new turner atm, so hand turning is what I'll have to do for a while.
My main concern with hand turning is my crazy work schedule. I turned them at 2am before bed, but they didnt get turned again until a little while ago, when I woke up.I can turn them once more before I leave at 4, and once when I get home at 4 am.... but that's not 4 times a day. Will it be enough??
You don't want to turn them an even number, always an odd. That way they won't be on the same side every night. 3 times is good if that's all you can do. GOOD LUCK!!!!
What I had done when my turner went out, I leave the eggs in the turner and tip the bator by inserting a small piece of board on the bottom and then tip it all four sides of the bator three times a day. Worked for me until I got a new motor for my turner.
I'm kind of freaking because I have over a $100's worth of eggs in there. I think I will go to the farm store today and buy one if they have it. Then I will buy a motor for the broke one if hubby can't fix it, so I have a spare. A spare, who am I kidding? So then I can have two bators going at once LOL!
Sounds like pure brilliance!!!!! Or addiction....I think. LOL

I gotta admit, I LOVE hand turning my eggs, too, Farm Frenzy.
It makes me (can't believe I am going to say this) feel closer to them.

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