Cowgirl Mama

6 Years
Nov 12, 2013
Glendale, AZ
Help! We recently got these 2 very sweet young chickens. However, I have no idea what they are. They look like my barred rock hens but with feathered legs and feet? Thanks for any help!
thank you! Ive never had cochins before. They are very tolerant of my son picking them up and carrying them around. they are about half the size of my
other hens. Will they stay small?
Do you know how old they are? Did you get them from a breeder or are they from a hatchery? Bantam Cochins are pretty popular and a number of hatcheries like Cackle do carry the barred color in Bantam as well as the Standard/large size.
Do you know how old they're supposed to be? They look adolescent to me, and if they're half the size of a barred rock they're going to be large fowl cochins, which means they'll be BIG girls--bigger than your other hens. They're slower to mature than a lot of other breeds and Cochins are often called Gentle Giants--they're great birds. Not always stellar layers, but they make good broody mommas and great eye candy!
We got them from Pratts Pets. They are definitely youngsters since they dont quite have their big girl voices yet. We have 7 other large hens (1 black copper maran, 2 buffs, 2 barred rocks and 2 americaunas?). None of which are laying yet but once they do, we will be more than set on eggs. I just picked these little girls up because of their cute feathered feet. Lol

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