HELP! UNKNOWN SICKNESS, wiping out chicks!


8 Years
Apr 8, 2011
, I don't know whats happening there is a diease or something going though my 6-8 week old chicks. It makes them stop eating until there so weak, once there weak its about 24 hours and they are dead.. I dont know what to do, the others seem ok. This sickness took out 1, and now anothers on its death bed, I cant help but to cry. I've done everything possible. forced them to eat, drink, gave them sugar water, dewormed them just in case, got them under a heating lamp. But nothing helps, once they become weak there gonners. Now my favorites on its death bed, I sit next to it and pray. Shes a Barred rock who thought I was her mom, I would always have to run away from her because she would try to follow me into the house..
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might be cocci, my chickies have it too and it wipes ou birds fast
try a coccidiostat like amphrolium (spelling?) sold under the brand name Corid. it's made for cattle, but if you use it for chickens use it at a rate of 1 tsp. per gallon of water. btw, is your starter medicated? that should have stopped it but it's too late now. if you give them the coccidiostat, make sure they don't have the medicated starter as well. to many antibiotics barraging thier little systems all at once. keep the brooder clean and well heated and hope for the best!
for your chickies!
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No they are not on medicated food. I dont know if I can get to the feedstore in time. Maybe I can talk to my dad after work. Should I use the stuff on my Big flock too now? I added the chicks to the flock 2 weeks ago. Now that I think of it, I remember seeing a piece of bloody poop in the chicks old box but I diddent think anything of it...
Gee I hope no more get sick...
I talked to my mom and we cant get to the feedstore tell saturday... I sure hope none of the others die. they are eating fine so far and seem healthy...
Would wazine help until I get to the feedstore saturday? Also Once I treat all of my chickens will I have to clean poop out? or will it be fine?

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