Help! Weird gagging motion in 5 month silky hen


In the Brooder
Mar 22, 2017
Central Florida
About a month ago I purchased a pair of silkies from a local auction. About a week after I got them and introduced them to my other flock members (5) the poor little roo unfortunately passed due to (what I think was) a head injury from my big roo. Before he started showing signs of head trauma he seemed already to be a little sick. Now, a month later my poor little hen seems to be acting weird to me. She *appears* to be eating and drinking plenty but she feels a little boney and has been doing this super weird thing with her neck. I've started her on treatment for what I thought was gape worms (which I know is fairly uncommon) about 5 days ago and I don't think I've seen much improvement. She doesn't really act sick, just different. She also has no signs of nasal drippings and her eyes seem clear. She's recently been dusted for mites as well. Any thoughts on what could be the problem?

Thank you all so much!

Here is a picture of Miss Suzie Q. I have a video of her weird throat thing I will try to attach as well.

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