Help! What breed are these and any guesses on pullets or roo's


8 Years
Aug 16, 2011
Hey! We need help- a friend gave us these chicks and we don't know what breed they are and can't tell if they are roo's or pullets. Please help
They are still growing so they will pound down the food....

Dont know what breed.... The one in the picture looks like a pullet. You should be able to start telling the sex by now. But you need to show more pictures for people to help you out with that.

Melissa, Theseare Rhode Island Reds and fairly dark feathered ones at that...Some of the guys at the Heritage Site will try to tell you they are mixed breed production reds and make fun of them but actually they look pretty good....Good luck!
Thanks everyone for your help!! The reason I got them was they were like ' packing peanuts' for some baby turkeys that were shipped. Thanks again!!!!

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