Help, what happened to this hen? (Warning graphic)


5 Years
May 21, 2019
Washington State, aka The pacific NorthWest
We found this hen this morning dead in the henhouse, it looks like the skin on her backside ruptured, and her insides are now her outside. what could’ve caused this?
It looks like she was gutted, either by the others or by a predator. This can happen if the hen suffers a prolapsed vent which causes red tissue to habpng out of the vent which attracts pecking. They may try to cannibalize the hen pulling out mire of the internal tissue. I would spend some time observing behavior of your chickens to note if there is some bullying going on. Overcrowding, too low of protein in the diet, boredom, and more aggressive breeds may be a cause. Very sorry for your loss.

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