Help!!!! What is this?

Looks like an unabsorbed yolk to me, too, but I don't have much experience with artificial incubation. I'd leave it be and let it absorb what it can.

If they are hatching early, they probably didn't have time to absorb their sacks properly. Your temperature and/or humidity is probably not accurate for them to hatch so early.
No, I didn't help them at all. It looked like a normal size yolk sac. Do they hatch with them that large? Unless my hygrometer was wrong, I had it at 30%, once or twice it went up to 35%, up until yesterday I had increased it to 70% because I was on day 19 and that is when I was surprised to see the pips already. So I shut the incubator quickly after I had already increased the humidity. The temps were stable at 99.5 and that was on the floor of the incubator.
It was a huge yolk sac. The other 2 that hatched so far did already absorb their yolk sac.
It is an LG still air. I had problems with my last hatch with the humidity levels and it was suggested to keep at about 30% days 1-18 and then up it to 70% on day 19, which is what I did this time. It seems to do better for growth and viability so it did work for that. But it was a full sized yolk sac on this one.
Wow Lisa that definitely is the yoke sack. I had one hatch like that this summer. I had not clue what it was. Remember the little RIR chick that my livestock store gave me cause she was sluggish, she had the same problem as well. You have to be careful with that thing hanging out of him like that. You don't want the other babies over there pecking at it, cause on my little one that hatched under one of my hens it got pulled all the way out and I was scared and I didn't know what to do so I took it to the livestock store and he snipped it off, but not before the damage had already been done. Try to keep it still and seperated somewhat so noone is trampling over it. But it wouldn't eat on its own so that may have been another thing that contributed to him/her not making it.
But you know that my Lindy is proof that they can make it so just keep it still as possible and others away.

I am sending good positive prayers your way for your little one. I am glad you took off to.

Thanks! I already had my brooder warming up so I will see if I can try to sneak her out of the bator. But she is still very active so I guess that is a good sign
So far so good! He seems to be thriving pretty well too!! I did sneak him out of the incubator and he drank some sugar water. But the little guy seems to be doing well at this point. He does seem smaller than the other chicks though. I think Lucky will be a good name for this little one!
I've had them hatch like that before. Mostly they are just fine.

Since it drained the chick will need food and water sooner than the others.

It looks like it may just be the umbilical cord now. Just wait for it to dry and then put the chick into the brooder. Set in ontop mof a sock or a washcloth to keept he bedding out of the cord.

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