Help. What is wrong with my chicks?

I'm not saying this to sound ugly so don't take it the wrong way.
The word breeder is used too loosely by many, not you...just in general.
I have seen "breeders" right here on BYC sell deathly ill chicks just to make a buck.

I would return the brooder today if I were you.

Yeah definitely understand.
Oh yes, I am not giving you medical advice by the way, there are other things that can effect your insides the same way, cut wheat out of your diet for a week and see for yourself the difference that makes to your health. Also, the new DDT, the big new tobacco, that spray they spray all over the GMO's they refuse to label that is in your food, they annihilate your gut flora to the point of your own health being much like this chick's. There are scientific mega-studies showing as much.

You definitely have given me lots to think about. No I don’t have adult birds and they are indoors so no wild bird poo either. While I probably won’t go gathering wild bird poop to put in their brooder, I do get what you’re saying.
Even in a brooder designed to make it impossible for them to eat their own poop, they have found ways to do that haha. I’ll definitely be doing things differently next time.

And yes I hear you about wheat, gluten, GMOs etc. I have been gluten and grain free for over a year and beginning to repair my gut has completely changed my life.

Thanks for your responses.
I went to Petsmart and got a ceramic heat light thingy so that I can get them set up in the giant dog kennel ASAP. I probably won’t have time to get them out of the brooder until tomorrow because I need to line the inside of the kennel with cardboard so they can’t squeeze out because the wire holes are kind of big.
So far all 4 still alive but one of my Swedish flower Hens and the Ayam Cemani look pretty rough. I’m not hopeful.
I’ll be ordering a heating plate for the next batch. :( i feel so bad that I let the “breeder” sell me on the stupid uncomfortable brooder and crap food.
The chicks will eat cardboard...and they love Styrofoam. I use wood to line my dog kennel. Anyone else have an idea for lining the dog kennel other than cardboard?
I feel so dumb now. I was zip-tying cardboard on. I’ll stop wasting my time now. Suggestions?
Yes ideas ASAP plz.
1/2" Hardware cloth.

Cardboard is ok, I use it in my brooder-over the HC to keep sand/PDZ from getting scratched out all over the place.
But it's 'solid edged' sheets, not with cuts like you've got there...they can pick at edges and/or get behind those flaps and get trapped. Put zipties across those cuts so they can't get in there and it might be fine.

I went to Petsmart and got a ceramic heat light thingy so that I can get them set up in the giant dog kennel ASAP.
Make sure you measure the heat coming off that thing... floor levels.
I found them to not throw a very big 'circle' of heat.
The 60W I have was too hot right underneath then quickly dissipated away from the center.

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