Help. What is wrong with my chicks?

1/2" Hardware cloth.

Cardboard is ok, I use it in my brooder-over the HC to keep sand/PDZ from getting scratched out all over the place.
But it's 'solid edged' sheets, not with cuts like you've got there...they can pick at edges and/or get behind those flaps and get trapped. Put zipties across those cuts so they can't get in there and it might be fine.

Make sure you measure the heat coming off that thing... floor levels.
I found them to not throw a very big 'circle' of heat.
The 60W I have was too hot right underneath then quickly dissipated away from the center.

Yeah, I imagine I’ll have to fiddle around with it. I got the 150 watt one.
Yeah, I imagine I’ll have to fiddle around with it. I got the 150 watt one.

I may just order a brooder plate and use that in there for them and then just take it out once they are healthy and keep the room warm and use it for the new chicks.

Anyone used this one? Will the chicks pick at the cord?
I may just order a brooder plate and use that in there for them and then just take it out once they are healthy and keep the room warm and use it for the new chicks.

Anyone used this one? Will the chicks pick at the cord?
Cord should be fine....I'd get a bigger one tho.
The plate are as deceptive as the tiny coop as far as number of birds it will serve.
'20' infers 20 chicks....maybe 20 day old chicks, but they'll soon out grow it.
Hi guys! Hoping someone can help! I’m right in the middle of my first ever hatch (jumbo brown cots) and that’s going great.

But I went outside to collect my eggs for the night and all I could see was blood all around my pen. I’m talking feeder, waterer, even on the eggs. Upon closer inspection I have one hen who looked like she got her neck slit! Blood was all around her beak/neck and when I finally got her out of the pen, she freaked out and literally threw up blood everywhere.

I’ve got her quarantined inside, she is plump and seems to be getting around fine. I wrapped her in a towel and tried to clean the majority of blood off her neck, hoping it was just a freak situation and I could add her back to the flock tonight, but it happened again. Not quite as bad, and it was more brown than blood red this time. It seems like it’s coming from her nostrils and beak, and I have no clue what it could be or how to fix it.

Please send help, and I have pictures of her, just didn’t know if it was okay to post here since they’re a little graphic.
Wow! That's terrible! I'm so sorry! Can you copy and paste this write up into a new thread? That way you will draw the attention of the experts directly to your question. I'm afraid it will get lost here. I wish I had an answer for you. :hugs

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