Help. What is wrong with my chicks?

I just went and checked on them and while the Ayam Cemani looks just plain awful (all pasted up and puffed up struggling to breath), the other 3 appear to have turned a corner. The Marans who I thought would surely also die seems so much better! I gave the Ayam a bath to clear her vent and some nutri-drench. Only time will tell what will happen, but I’m hopeful that I’ll have 3 at the end of this ordeal.
I just went and checked on them and while the Ayam Cemani looks just plain awful (all pasted up and puffed up struggling to breath), the other 3 appear to have turned a corner. The Marans who I thought would surely also die seems so much better! I gave the Ayam a bath to clear her vent and some nutri-drench. Only time will tell what will happen, but I’m hopeful that I’ll have 3 at the end of this ordeal.
Are you 100% sure it is not too hot in there?
What is all this crazy talk about feeding chicks poo

I think GodofPecking is trying to make a point about how if chicks are raised more naturally outdoors, their immune systems would be stronger and their gut flora would be better since they’d be exposed to the environment rather than kept all clean and sterile in an indoor brooder with no other chickens around. At least that’s how I am interpreting it.
They were all asleep under the heat source when I went in. And the room is only about 60° and they have quite a bit of space to move away from the heat. But no I’m never 100 percent sure about anything haha
Do you know what the heat is measuring in this spot under it?
I have it turned up to 80° right now because the Ayam Cemani is a little damp from her bum bath but I’ve been keeping it on 75-78 usually. I’m going to run outside and confirm that and turn it down a bit.
I'm wondering if this is too cold for them.
How old are they?

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