Help! What is wrong with my hen or hens?


Feb 21, 2023
you might know Belle as my silkie who hates her sister so at the moment lives in a kennel at night and a playpen during the day. Today was raining so I let her out while I cleaned her kennel then went to get her. Her eyes were all foamy. My other chickens have been sneezing a lot but I haven’t really noticed anything else. What is this and what should I do to treat them?

I took these pictures after most of the foam had gone away. She still seems healthy besides that.


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Belle seems to have trouble breathing anything I can do? She’s still alert and eating but I’m starting to get worried!
How much of the flock are showing symptoms? If it's only one chicken, separate her and treat only her. If it's half the flock or more showing symptoms, treat the entire flock.
How much of the flock are showing symptoms? If it's only one chicken, separate her and treat only her. If it's half the flock or more showing symptoms, treat the entire flock.
She is the only one with bubbly eyes but it seems that the whole flock is sneezing

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