Help - why did 2 of my Barred Rocks suddenly die?


11 Years
Jul 23, 2008
Any help would be more then appreciated.

Yesterday we found our 18 month old hen dead in her run. Absolutely nothing wrong with her - so sad. Then tonight, we found another one dead in her run. Again, nothing wrong with her.

They have free range access and usually stay with in 200 ft. of their run - which houses their water, roosts, food, etc..... So they are passing in their run.

We have a compost pile that they sometimes root through when they follow us back to the garden - however, everything that goes in there is organic table scraps. (no meats or fats)

Several weeks ago I found the flock feasting on a a pile of maggots. Could that be it? Again, that was several weeks ago.

A few of them seem to have a little poo stuck to their behind, including the two that died. Could this cause a problem?

Other than that they are so healthy and well cared for. They hang out with us and follow us everywhere - part of our family.

I just don't get it. One yesterday and then one today. Healthy one minuted and dead the next?

Could it be a poisoned spider they ate? My mind is scrambling for answers before we loose the others.

Again, any help would be more than appreciated.
Thank You!
I don't know a lot about your overall situation, but I'd suggest contacting your county extension agent. The phone number should be in the phone book under county government. Talk to them about your situation and discuss possibly getting a dead bird examined to find the cause. In some states, that cost is not tremendous. It could save the rest of your flock if you can find out what is wrong and how to treat it. If it were only one bird, there could be many causes from snakebite, bad diet, to whatever. But with two birds that close together, something is going on.

I'll include a Mississippi State site that discusses possible diseases. I'm not sure it is a disease and this is a lot to go through. I think any self-diagnosis is very risky, but here it is.

Good luck!
Something that quick brings to mind poisoning, but there are usually at least some signs of that. Did you check them over for hidden wounds or bites?
Over heating? Hasn't it been really hot where you are at?
Sorry about your loss. It's heart breaking to lose one chicken, worse to lose two, and worst of all to lose them to unknown causes.

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