Help! Will THIS Work with Silkie Bantam & Full Size?


12 Years
Oct 24, 2011
Can anyone tell us if it is possible for a Silkie Bantam Hen to hatch a Bantam egg that may have been fertilized by a Leghorn rooster?

Has anyone ever had experience and/or success with this?

Our little Silkie Bantam Hen is broody and wants to stay on two eggs she is currently sitting on, so for now we have allowed her to do so! We do have one Full size white leghorn Rooster in with her and the other hens, and have successfully hatched more of the leghorns, with a previously broody leghorn-but never with a SILKIE!

Please Help!
From my understanding, leghorns are really small anyway, so I don't see why this wouldn't work...

Don't take my word from it. Standard leghorn males should weigh between 5 - 6 pounds and females a little over 4.
You are correct, and our leghorns are rather small. We had some Red and Black stars that were much larger overall than the white leghorns we currently have, so hopefully.

This little Silkie has gone broody before, so we figured we would chance two eggs and see what happens!

I think she wants to be a Momma!
Also a bit of concern as the temperatures are around the freezing mark or below f
or the extended time period! Not as cold as some winters, but will the cold weather be a problem also?

But most concerned over the size difference, and if anyone has ever had hens/bantams hatch when bred with a full size rooster?

Thank you!
I have both bantam and full sized breeds in my flock. Many of my bantam girls have had full- sized roosters cover them. There are several little crossbreeds in my flock as a result.

My bantam roosters also cover some of the larger ladies. Looks pretty funny... But some of those eggs have hatched,too!

They'll be fine.
Oh, that is so cool! What do they look like, are they more like the rooster traits or the hen's traits? We are very curious! Did you or do you have any pictures of them? We'd love to see them, if so/not too much work!

Here's hoping!
Broody Silkie with the GLARING STARE-sitting on two bantam eggs!

Can anyone tell us if it is possible for a Silkie Bantam Hen to hatch a Bantam egg that may have been fertilized by a Leghorn rooster?

Has anyone ever had experience and/or success with this?

Our little Silkie Bantam Hen is broody and wants to stay on two eggs she is currently sitting on, so for now we have allowed her to do so! We do have one Full size white leghorn Rooster in with her and the other hens, and have successfully hatched more of the leghorns, with a previously broody leghorn-but never with a SILKIE!

Please Help!

Just wondering if anyone else has had eggs hatch like this? Our little black Silkie is sitting so diligently on the 2 eggs we let her keep! Though, I don't think we could take them away from her now! She has a GLARING STARE that looks as if she would attack if provoked!
Broody Silkie with the GLARING STARE-sitting on two bantam eggs!

Just wondering if anyone else has had eggs hatch like this? Our little black Silkie is sitting so diligently on the 2 eggs we let her keep! Though, I don't think we could take them away from her now! She has a GLARING STARE that looks as if she would attack if provoked!
did your eggs that were bantam/full size cross ever turn out? I have a copper maran roo that is being followed around by my bantam hens and they're def getting mated! my bantams are silkie/serama mixes so even smaller then silkies and my copper marans is a very LARGE boy.... how would a chick not overgrow it's shell? lol

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