Help with Aggressive Ducks

MY male Khaki Campbells are intent on attacking my lame goose. Any way to solve this? They have a pen and a coop plus a large fenced backyard to roam in during the day. The problem is primarily at night because they are all in the hen-house [8 X 12} shed together with my other six Pekins and three chickens. Often I find Lucy trying to squeeze herself under the shelves to hide. I could perhaps put her in a dog cage at night but otherwise - shall I try to sell the drakes? Any advice welcome ;o)

I would most definitely keep her separated. How many KC's drakes do you have? We got rid of all males but 1 to our 6 girls. We still have issues of him being aggressive towards one of our Pekins. Because drakes can be so aggressive, if you are not wanting fertile eggs to hatch, I would get rid of all of the boys
Thank you - I have 6 PeKins and what I thought were two female Khakis as well as three little chickens. Turns out I was wrong and the Khakis are definitely boys! I have a dog cage I will put Lucy in for the time being and in the meantime I'll try to find a home for the drakes. Anyone looking for some Khakis for breeding purposes only> [NOT meat]. Free to a good home ;o)

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