HELP with almost born chick


In the Brooder
12 Years
Nov 14, 2007
Cape ELizabeth ME
I just checked on the hen who has been on an egg for almost a month. When I picked p the egg, the shell cracked - the membrance did not rupture, though, and I cold see a fully formed chick inside. But, I couldn't tell if it was alive. I immediately put it back under the hen.

What do you think? Has it been too long and would the chick be dead after 21 days? Did the cracking shell seal the deal for no chick? (entirely my fault - 1st time I have tried to hatch my own chick in the 3 years I ahve had hens)

I would think you should be able to look at it and see if its moving or not. I would also think it would smell by now if it were dead. I think i would be peeking........and even if people said they wouldn't.......I think they would too.
hello...I would leave it be with the mama hen--it was probably in the middle of hatching.
If you did not hear peeping, it is likely dead and your cracking the shell didn't make a difference. If it was working on hatching, cracking it won't hurt anything.
when mine were hatching 1 was the same, the only difference is whe I started talking it would chirp back at me
Try leaving it a few hours and check again
good luck!
thanks to you all - this is why love this site!

I listened very carefully and put the egg right up to my ear after the piece of shell fell off and heard nothing. There was no movement by the chick and it had fully filled out the egg. I will take your collective advice, leave it under momma for a couple more hours and then check again.

HEY! theres nothing wrong with talking to them lol
if there is then I need locking up lol

I talked to them alot, and now they respond to my voice but dont seem to bother with anyone else
You can also tap on the top end(the wider part) with your finger nail(and quickly listen for peeping). Hatching is a BIG job and he could just be sleeping. How cracked is it? Did he pip or did you pick at the shell? I've nad no peeping before in an egg and then when they actually hatched, they wouldn't shut up! lol!!!

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