Help with BR & EE sex. Any ideas?!?!?!

Here are some up to date pics (from this morning)

I'm noticing a "waterfall" looking tail...all the rest of my girls have pointy tails...can pullets have this type or only Roos?

Are these hackle feathers coming in?

I'm really leaning towards Roo at this point...*sigh* Please tell me I'm wrong lol

Edited to add that she/he is about 11 weeks old now.
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Here are some up to date pics (from this morning)

I'm noticing a "waterfall" looking tail...all the rest of my girls have pointy tails...can pullets have this type or only Roos?

Are these hackle feathers coming in?

I'm really leaning towards Roo at this point...*sigh* Please tell me I'm wrong lol

Edited to add that she/he is about 11 weeks old now.
Yes, he looks like a cockerel.
The Easter Egger is certainly a pullet, a beautiful one too!

I would agree with everyone here that the BR is probably a roo. His size/comb are uncharacteristic of a pullet. All pullets I've had have started out looking a bit leaner, like your EE.

I know the feeling. In spring I hatched out 5 beautiful bantam cross chicks and eagerly waited. The result? 4 magnificent bantam roosters, and 1 tiny bantam hen.
Yeah...although my DH is determined to believe pullet until he starts crowing...should crow pretty soon though. lol

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