help with breed


In the Brooder
6 Years
Feb 25, 2013
Got this little guy from TSC about 8 weeks ago. I have no idea what he is
, he was in with the Easter Eggers but I know he's not that. I don't remember what the other breeds they had at the time because I was only looking at the Easter Eggers bin. For some reason I'm thinking maybe black sumatra but am really not sure at all.
He has a kinda bluish/greenish sheen to him in the sun and right now he has a goofy looking forked tail.

I say he because the comb and wattles have gone from smallish and black to what you see in around a weeks time.
any guesses on what he may be?
Black Australorp cockerel. A Sumatra would be lighter in build, a more intense blackish/green color, and have a longer tail by now.
He's kinda small and flighty, not bantam small but doesnt seem like he will be a heavy bird.

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