Help With Brooding...


13 Years
Apr 27, 2011
Capital District, NY
So, my chicken math is TERRIBLE. I ordered 20 Buff Orphingtons from my local feed store (they use Murray McMurray so that's where they're from). They came in today (YAY!) but they also ordered some to sell...of course they had to have:

Mottled and Golden laced Cochin bantams...

So, I bought 5 of each to go with my 20 Buffs. Now I have 30. The brooder is plenty big enough - 6ft x 4ft. But, can they be brooded together? Right now I have 1/2 of it blocked off so they can't get too far from the food/water/heat.

I don't know why it looks so dark. It's actually a bright white brooder with a white light. But anyway, are they safe together. So far they seem okay.

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Just watch for pecking. If you see blood on a chick, switch to a red bulb. The chicks can't see any blood with the red bulb and won't continue to peck that chick.

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