Help with chick I had to assist hatch?


Jun 19, 2017
I hatched silkies over the weekend. I had 2 chicks that made big holes and started to zip Friday night but never made it further after almost 2 days. I assisted them and the one is up moving and walking and seems ok but toes are curled a little. The other one that I am attaching a picture of has remained laying kinda of crooked up and it' body seems to permanently like this. It has a little blood spot on the abdomen and almost looks a little underdeveveloped. Does this chick stand any chance or should I consider a humane way of putting her down? This is my first time hatching out chicks.
My best quess is that you most likely had issues with humidity at hatch. Shrink wrapped chicks. At any rate..the blood spot is where it was attached to the yolk..perhaps it had not finished absorbing everything b4 you helped them hatch. The chicks are most likely stressed due to the trauma of the hatch. I would leave them completely alone for 24 hrs to rest. A chick can go 2 days without food ..let them rest! Just keep them warm. After a good 24 hrs of rest, if they are more active and looking around, offer a few drops if water w nutri drench to thier thing at this point is rest...helping chicks to hatch is very stressful on them. Don't handle them. Sometimes, due to being in the egg, some are a bit curled up at 1st. If it stays on its back to long , gently roll it back to its stomach. Best thing is rest to recover and warmth.
My humidity at hatch and lockdown was always 65-70 using a genesis incubator. All others hatched fine. This one had been like this for about 26 hours now. I have rolled to stomach and she goes right back it' almost like her neck and curled toward her wing and the other wing sticks out. this point. I would start giving it vitamin drops every few hours. Best thing is nutri drench if you have it or polyvisol infant vitamin without iron. U can also put a bit of xxx antibiotic on the cord. Did it bleed a lot when u helped it hatch? It may have lost a lot of blood. Sometimes..the reason chicks don't hatch normally cuz something wrong w them..even after they pip...
Yes it bled some. The only reason i even helped is because they were fighting to get out but the membrane was stuck to them. I have nutridench but her neck is not even straight and I am just not sure drops would be good I am afraid it may choke her? Her body is just contorted so much.
I had one chick that was a flipper and seemed to have a crooked neck. I ended up putting it in a small dish w a rag donut around it to keep it from flipping. After a day of that and vitamins it recovered. I also keep baby bird handfeeding formula on hand and will sometimes mix a bit of that and drip a few drops to feed them after 4ihrs with vitamins.
Try a drop of Poultry Nutri Drench. You will want to wick a bit of it in at the side of her beak. don't try to put a whole drop in her mouth. Try that, if she responds well, then you might try wicking a bit of sugar water into her beak. Can you make a nest shaped bowl with a wrapped dish towel to hold her in a more natural position? If such treatment does not bring her around (PND every 4 - 6 hours, with water in between, then I would consider culling her. It all depends on your husbandry philosophy and the amount of time you have available to deal with her. There is no wrong or right decision here, as long as she is not suffering. You might try giving her a little buddy also.
Well, a baby can go a couple days w o eating. My quess is it lost to much blood and is very weak.Drop some nutri drench full strength on the side of the beak. Just a drop at a time. Try to make a donut around it so it won't flip. At this point you have nothing to loose..
Baby bird hand feeding formula is also great. I've brought a chick with wry neck back from being comatose with PND and the hand feeding formula. Unfortunately, he had systemic damage and had cardiac issues.
Ok I made her a little cup like recommended but she just rolls until she is out. I gave her a drop of nutri. I had to leave and head to work so I guess I'll have to see what happens.

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